What Is Last-mile Delivery Tracking and How Does It Work?

Streamline and automate your courier delivery business with all-in-one courier delivery software

last mile delivery tracking

The development of technology means that today’s buyers expect the timely delivery and accurate tracking of their orders. As per the research, the cost of delivery is less important than speedy delivery for most customers. Over half of customers would be willing to pay more to have their purchases shipped the same day. Ninety-seven percent of customers expect to receive updates regarding their order status, the availability of their goods, and status updates on their order tracking following the completion of their online purchase. The logistics industry utilizes last-mile delivery tracking systems that provide a number of features essential to customer satisfaction.

What Is Last-mile Tracking? 

Last-mile delivery occurs when a package is delivered to a specific point as efficiently and economically as possible. These companies transport packages from the supplier to the customer. Carriers such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS provide last-mile services. Last-mile carriers may also be referred to as delivery service providers, which includes small or small-scale courier services too.

Advantages of Last-mile Delivery Tracking

Assigning Bulk Tasks

A major advantage of last-mile courier tracking software lies in its ability to assign bulk tasks to delivery teams. In the case of large companies with thousands of deliveries every day, manual assignment is not feasible. Last-mile delivery tracking, the drivers can all be assigned tasks at once, enabling them to begin their work as soon as possible.

Reliable Tracking System

It is also vital to keep track of your drivers and delivery boys in real-time with Last-mile delivery tracking. By doing so, the admin can keep an eye on the drivers’ positions from anywhere, which helps manage the fleet more effectively.

Real-time ETA Estimation

Using Last-mile delivery tracking, customers can be given a precise estimation of when the delivery staff will arrive, which aids them in planning their daily activity appropriately. In addition, customers receive SMS and Email notifications, along with a tracking link, enabling them to monitor the delivery when they are en route.

Clarification of Communication

Customers are better communicated with, as the drivers can reach out to them directly if they have any questions. Through the sending of emails and SMS notifications from time to time, the delivery drivers and customers remain in contact.

Enhancing Customer Service

It is easier to provide better customer service by utilizing Last-mile Delivery tracking software. Everything is more transparent and straightforward. Upon request, customers can communicate with delivery men as well, resulting in an improved ROI, steady growth, and streamlined operations. Using Last-mile courier tracking software permits you to maximize your last-mile delivery services with international visibility, as well as reduce your operational costs. In addition, you are able to ensure customer satisfaction, which corresponds to customer repurchase.

SMS Alerts

Last-mile delivery tracking software notifies customers via SMS/email, telling them when their parcel is on its way. They will automatically receive a text message when their order has been shipped, ready for delivery, or is no longer in stock. Thereby, they can experience a trouble-free shipment and enjoy their time while being notified about their cargo.

Easy Communication with the Driver

It will be possible for customers to contact the delivery driver directly if they have any concerns. Users will appreciate this feature, as will the delivery drivers. The drivers will also know whether the customer is there to accept delivery at the scheduled time.

Feedback-giving Ability 

Customers can even leave feedback on the delivery service, driver, as well as their overall experience, giving them greater control over their experience. In fact, feedback from customers is of great value to delivery services.

Delivery Confirmation

Last-mile courier tracking systems enable drivers to obtain electronic proof of delivery through the use of e-signature technology in order to simplify the delivery verification process. The admin can use this information to ensure the package is delivered to the intended recipient or to help them when it goes missing.

Evaluate Client Perceptions

Analyzing and managing data are crucial to getting a grasp of how well our company is doing by looking at personnel, order status, resource usage, etc. Admins can visually view the business metrics, so that information about completed tasks, pending tasks, and current tasks is easily accessible. This software provides the admin with accurate information about the success of the business.
